Wednesday, March 17, 2021

 Touch Assignment

Piece 1

   6x10in. hardcover book - graphite and charcoal

"It... reminds us of that time, long before deadlines and banks, when our mothers cradled us and we were enthralled and felt perfectly loveable" (Touch, 123).

    While both pieces are similar, each one takes a different quote from the same area of this section of the book. I had decided that I wanted to tackle the idea of words, scenes, and images within books and pages being drives and motives for touch, whether it spurred real-life touch or simply allowed for the reader to imagine it. So, I utilized a section out of this copy of The Shining by King, allowed the words and imagery of touch and warmth literally rise from the pages, and tell its little story. This one relates to the warmth and touch between family - specifically parent and child.

Piece 2

5x8in. hardcover book - graphite and charcoal

"Despite the fact that we're territorial creatures who move through the world like small principalities, contact warms us even without our knowing it" (Touch, 123).

    Taking on another version of touch and warmth, my second piece is a similar concept to the first that lifts the words out of The Butterfly hardcover book - a small, frail, older book - and allows the scene of nostalgic and loving touch to once again rise from the page it was sitting on. Overall, both pieces are testaments not only to how much humanity values touch, but it displays how much we value reading, writing, and thinking about touch. During a time where we may not be able to get in close contact with our loved ones, literature and art allow for a form of escapism, letting its creators and recipients get lost in a dream of love, compassion, and human contact. 

Figurative Sculptures Photos

 Piece One: Empty Victory Materials: Air dry clay, gold leaf paint, wood for base Dimensions: 1" x 1.5" x  .5" (base: 2"...